You can create, edit and schedule peer assessment sessions so that they run how and when you want them to.
Once the measurement structure has been assigned and allocated to a collection of students you can run the peer assessment exercise using Web-PA.
Students can only take an assessment once. If you want to run the same assessment with the same set of students more than once (if you want a formative, then summative assessment, for example) you will have to create and schedule two separate assessments. This isn't as bad as it sounds, because you can still simply use the same form and collection of groups for both!
Students must submit marks for everyone in their team, including themselves. A student cannot submit any marks unless they have assigned marks to everyone.
If a student does not take the assessment at all, you decide whether to penalise them or not. You can choose the size of any penalty (0-100%) when you create your mark sheet and move on to the reporting.
Glossary of Assessment Web-PA terms
- Pending: These assessments have been written and scheduled for some point in the future.
- Open: Assessments that are currently available to students
- Closed: Previously available assessments that will not accept further student submissions, but no results have yet been generated from the data.
- Marked: Assessments where the deadline for student submissions has passed and the results from the data has been produced.
Assessments Toolbar
On most of the pages in the 'my assessments' area of Web-PA you will find the Assessments Toolbar at the top of the screen.
The tool bar contains the following options. Please click a help link for more information:
- List Assessments: Lists all the assessments you have created.
- Create Assessments: Begins the process of creating a new assessment schedule,
- Help': Displays the help page for which ever part of the system you are currently in.
My Assessments
On this front page are the four stages of the assessment process, with each category being displayed as a named tab.
Assessment category tabs A description of each one follows:
Pending: These assessments have been written and scheduled for some point in the future. Open: Assessments that are currently available to students Closed: Previously available assessments that will not accept further student submissions, but no results have yet been generated from the data. Marked: Assessments where the deadline for student submissions has passed and the results from the data has been produced. Each tab shows the corresponding list of assessments.
The main part of the screen is taken up with a list of all the assessments you have previously created. To open or edit an assessment, click on its name.
If you haven't created any assessments before, then the lists will be empty and you should create a new assessment by clicking Create Assessment button in the toolbar.
The Assessment List
Each item in the list shows the assessment's name, its schedule and the number of student responses. Depending on which tab is open, there will also be a number of buttons to the right:
List of assessments
Edit button Edit this assessment criterion, change score labels, etc. Email button Send email to the students involved with this assessment. You can choose which students to email. View Responded button View a list of students who have taken this assessment. Enter Group Marks button Enter the overall grade awarded to each's group's work. These grades form the basis of the final, peer assessed student grade. Create Mark Sheet button Create a new mark sheet. This sets the algorithm parameters and lets you view your assessment reports.
Not all of these buttons are available. For example, you can only create a mark sheet on a closed assessment.
Create a new Assessment
Creating an assessment essential brings together a form containing the assessment criteria, and a collection of groups that you want to assess.
To create a new assessment you need to go through the creation wizard.
Editing an Assessment
On this page you can edit or amend details of a previously saved assessment. Once students begin taking the assessment submitting marks, the assessment will be locked and certain options will be unavailable.
Assessment Details
- Name: Type the new text into the text box and then remember to click the save changes button.
- Schedule: Use the drop down menus to change the start and end date of the assessment.
- Introduction: Type the new text into the text box and then remember to click the save changes button.
- Feedback: If you wish to add or delete the student feedback to the assessment, click next to the option you want, and then click the save changes button.
Assessment Form
This is a summary of the assessment form currently attached to this assessment. If you wish to select a different assessment form, click the use a different assessment form link.
Once marks are submitted to an assessment you will no longer be able to change forms. You will have to create and schedule a new assessment if you need to use a different form.
Assessment Groups
This is a summary of the collection of groups currently attached to this assessment. If you wish to use a different collection of groups, click the use a different collection of associated groups link.
Once marks are submitted to an assessment you will no longer be able to change groups. You will have to create and schedule a new assessment if you need to use a different collection of groups.
Deleting an Assessment
To delete an assessment click on its name, or click the edit pencil button.
You will be taken to the assessment edit page, where you can click on the red button entitled Delete Collection.